To keep our observation records as compact as possible, we use arrays to return observation values. Each device type has a different observation format. The array definitions for each device and event type are below.
Tempest Observation
Denoted in API responses with type obs_st
Index | Parameter | Description |
0 | timestamp | Epoch (seconds, UTC) |
1 | wind lull | (m/s) |
2 | wind average | (m/s) |
3 | wind gust | (m/s) |
4 | wind direction | (degrees) |
5 | wind sample interval | (seconds) |
6 | pressure | (mb) |
7 | air temperature | (°C) |
8 | relative humidity | (%) |
9 | illuminance | (lux) |
10 | uv | (index) |
11 | solar radiation | (W/m²) |
12 | rain accumulation | rain accumulation during the reporting interval (mm) |
13 | precipitation type | 0 = none, 1 = rain, 2 = hail, 3 = rain + hail (experimental) |
14 | lightning average distance | (km) |
15 | lightning strike count | number of strikes during the reporting interval |
16 | battery | (volts) |
17 | reporting interval | (minutes) |
18 | local day rain accumulation | midnight to midnight rain accumulation in the station's timezone (mm) |
19 | <<glossary:Nearcast>> rain accumulation | (mm) |
20 | local day <<glossary:Nearcast>> rain accumulation | midnight to midnight <<glossary:Nearcast>> rain accumulation in the station's timezone (mm) |
21 | precipitation analysis type | 0 = none, 1 = <<glossary:Nearcast>> value with display on, 2 = <<glossary:Nearcast>> value with display off |
Tempest Daily Observation
A summary of observation data collected from midnight to midnight in the station's local timezone. Denoted in API responses with type obs_st_ext
Index | Parameter | Description |
0 | timestamp | Epoch (seconds, UTC) |
1 | average pressure | (mb) |
2 | highest pressure | (mb) |
3 | lowest pressure | (mb) |
4 | average temperature | (°C) |
5 | lowest temperature | (°C) |
6 | highest temperature | (°C) |
7 | average humidity | (%) |
8 | highest humidity | (%) |
9 | lowest humidity | (%) |
10 | average illuminance | (lux) |
11 | highest illuminance | (lux) |
12 | lowest illuminance | (lux) |
13 | average UV | (index) |
14 | highest UV | (index) |
15 | lowest UV | (index) |
16 | average solar radiation | (W/m²) |
17 | highest solar radiation | (W/m²) |
18 | lowest solar radiation | (W/m²) |
19 | average wind speed | (m/s) |
20 | wind gust | (m/s) |
21 | wind lull | (m/s) |
22 | average wind direction | (degrees) |
23 | wind sample interval | (seconds) |
24 | strike count | |
25 | average strike distance | (km) |
26 | record count | |
27 | battery | (volts) |
28 | local day rain accumulation | (mm) |
29 | local day <<glossary:Nearcast>> rain accumulation | (mm) |
30 | local day precipitation minutes | (minutes) |
31 | local day <<glossary:Nearcast>> precipitation minutes | (minutes) |
32 | precipitation type | 0 = none, 1 = rain, 2 = hail, 3 = rain + hail (experimental) |
33 | precipitation analysis type | 0 = none, 1 = Nearcast value with display on, 2 = Nearcast value with display off |
AIR Observation
Denoted in API responses with type obs_air
Index | Parameter | Description |
0 | timestamp | Epoch (seconds, UTC) |
1 | pressure | (mb) |
2 | air temperature | (°C) |
3 | relative humidity | (%) |
4 | lightning strike count | number of strikes during the reporting interval |
5 | lightning average distance | (km) |
6 | battery | (volts) |
7 | reporting interval | (minutes) |
AIR Daily Observation
A summary of observation data collected from midnight to midnight in the station's local timezone. Denoted in API responses with type obs_air_ext
Index | Parameter | Description |
0 | timestamp | Epoch (seconds, UTC) |
1 | average pressure | (mb) |
2 | average temperature | (°C) |
3 | average humidity | (%) |
4 | strike count | |
5 | average strike distance | (km) |
6 | highest temperature | (°C) |
7 | lowest temperature | (°C) |
8 | highest pressure | (mb) |
9 | lowest pressure | (mb) |
10 | highest humidity | (%) |
11 | lowest humidity | (%) |
12 | record count | |
13 | battery | (volts) |
SKY Observation
Denoted in API responses with type obs_sky
Index | Parameter | Description |
0 | timestamp | Epoch (seconds, UTC) |
1 | illuminance | (lux) |
2 | uv | (index) |
3 | rain accumulation | rain accumulation during the reporting interval (mm) |
4 | wind lull | (m/s) |
5 | wind average | (m/s) |
6 | wind gust | (m/s) |
7 | wind direction | (degrees) |
8 | battery | (volts) |
9 | reporting interval | (minutes) |
10 | solar radiation | (W/m²) |
11 | local day rain accumulation | midnight to midnight rain accumulation in the station's timezone (mm) |
12 | precipitation type | 0 = none, 1 = rain, 2 = hail, 3 = rain + hail (experimental) |
13 | wind sample interval | (seconds) |
14 | <<glossary:Nearcast>> rain accumulation | Nearcastrain accumulation during the reporting interval (mm) |
15 | local day <<glossary:Nearcast>> rain accumulation | midnight to midnight Nearcast rain accumulation in the station's timezone (mm) |
16 | precipitation analysis type | 0 = none, 1 = Nearcast value with display on, 2 = Nearcast value with display off |
SKY Daily Observation
A summary of observation data collected from midnight to midnight in the station's local timezone. Denoted in API responses with type obs_sky_ext
Index | Parameter | Description |
0 | timestamp | Epoch (seconds, UTC) |
1 | average illuminance | (lux) |
2 | average UV | (index) |
3 | local day rain accumulation | (mm) |
4 | wind lull | (m/s) |
5 | average wind speed | (m/s) |
6 | wind gust | (m/s) |
7 | average wind direction | (degrees) |
8 | highest illuminance | (lux) |
9 | lowest illuminance | (lux) |
10 | highest UV | (index) |
11 | lowest UV | (index) |
12 | record count | |
13 | average solar radiation | (W/m²) |
14 | highest solar radiation | (W/m²) |
15 | lowest solar radiation | (W/m²) |
16 | battery | (volts) |
17 | local day <<glossary:Nearcast>> rain accumulation | (mm) |
18 | precipitation analysis type | 0 = none, 1 = Nearcast value with display on, 2 = Nearcast value with display off |
19 | local day precipitation minutes | (minutes) |
20 | wind sample interval | (seconds) |
21 | precipitation type | 0 = none, 1 = rain, 2 = hail, 3 = rain + hail (experimental) |
21 | local day <<glossary:Nearcast>> precipitation minutes | (minutes) |
Lightning Event
Denoted in API responses with type evt_strike
Index | Parameter | Description |
0 | timestamp | Epoch (seconds, UTC) |
1 | distance | (km) |
2 | energy |
Rapid Wind
Denoted in API responses with type rapid_wind
Index | Parameter | Description |
0 | timestamp | Epoch (seconds, UTC) |
1 | wind speed | (m/s) |
2 | wind direction | (degrees) |